Autofiles by line^d Beta

Simplify file storage and processing for logs, media, and more. Starting at ~$0/hour.


Run dyno workflows whenever you save files on AWS S3.

Process logs, media, documents, and more

Easily automate file processing workflows by specifying dynos to run after you save files to S3.

Simplify your background systems

Job queues and workflow systems add cost and complexity to your applications. Get S3 data storage with these features built-in so you can create simpler, more reliable systems.

Declarative workflows using JSON

Define workflows using JSON instructions within or attached to your files. Minimize dependencies and continue using your favorite programming language(s).

Data security best practices

We provide you with a private S3 bucket designed to protect sensitive data. Access is provided through temporary AWS credentials that rotate automatically every 6 hours.

Extreme reliability and fault-tolerance

We’ve included several safeguards to maximize fault tolerance and ensure each workflow runs exactly once. S3 events are delivered using EventBridge (99.99% availability). In case of intermittent outages, tasks will be automatically retried (with exp. backoff).

Real-time monitoring dashboard

Access your private S3 bucket and monitor your workflows in real-time using the line^d dashboard,

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Region Availability

The available application locations for this add-on are shown below, and depend on whether the application is deployed to a Common Runtime region or Private Space. Learn More

  • Common Runtime
  • Private Spaces
Region Available
United States Available
Region Available Installable in Space
Virginia Available

Plans & Pricing

    • Data Storage 10 GB
    • Data Transfer OUT 15 GB
    • Workflow Quota 50 / month
    • Dyno Parallelism 3
    • File Versioning
    • Access logs
Install Autofiles by line^d
heroku addons:create line-d

To provision, copy the snippet into your CLI or use the install button above.

Autofiles by line^d Documentation