Mobioos Beta

Intelligent mapping to drive applications. Starting at ~$0/hour.

Introduction & Objectives

Mobioos Forge will allow you to drive your software implementation projects by adding a functional map view. The created bridge between each domain Feature and its associated code fragments will enable you to master your application to target the following benefits:

Map Business Features into source code

With its Maps, Mobioos creates a bridge between the business domain and the application’s source code. You can immediately locate in the source code the implementation of each of your business objects (Features, user journeys, etc…).

Map Security Features into source code

Locate explicitly the source code fragments related to the security of your applications to facilitate your Source Code Reviews.

Map Features into production logs

With its Maps, Mobioos locates explicitly production logs related to the features which are attached to the source code. This boosts the quality of your production monitoring and your ability to react fast to the source code concerned.

Modernize Legacy Applications

Mobioos helps you evolve legacy applications throughout Features Mapping to line up modern architectures. For instance, Mobioos guides you to split your monolith legacy application into Salesforce modules/packages that match your business Features.

Monetize existing applications

By locating and extracting the implementation of each business Feature, Mobioos allows you to isolate functional parts of your application to expose them through APIs.

Feature flags management

Mobioos, through its capability to map business features directly into the source code, enables you to automatically inject flags and SDKs into your codebase. This facilitates automated flag management, streamlining your development processes and enhancing efficiency.

Manage variability for customization

With its Customization Engine, Mobioos aims to make your application configurable. The objective is to allow automatically generating variants from your application that encompass only the needed business Features.

Metrics & Reporting through your maps

Our reporting engine, integrated with various market-leading scanners such as Sonarqube, enables Mobioos to generate metrics and comprehensive reports through the prisme of your maps. This robust connection enhances visibility and streamlines the management of your software analytics.


The Mobioos intelligent mapping engine facilitates the creation of a sustainability view (e.g., energy consumption) for each feature. Going beyond monolithic analysis, Mobioos provides a more detailed feature-by-feature analysis, enabling the identification of the most energy-intensive features. Its configuration system allows for the disabling of high-consumption features, enhancing efficiency and sustainability.

Software heritage

Effective IP management from code source aims to protect these assets, maximize their value, and ensure they contribute to an organization’s competitiveness and innovation.

Region Availability

The available application locations for this add-on are shown below, and depend on whether the application is deployed to a Common Runtime region or Private Space. Learn More

  • Common Runtime
  • Private Spaces
Region Available
United States Available
Europe Available
Region Available Installable in Space

Plans & Pricing

    • Intelligent Mapping
    • Knowledge Prism
    • Automation Modernization
    • Automation Feature Flags
    • Automation Sustainability
    • Automation Software heritage
Install Mobioos
heroku addons:create mobioos

To provision, copy the snippet into your CLI or use the install button above.

Mobioos Documentation