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Datenator Beta

Sync your Salesforce data with relational databases Starting at ~$0/hour.

Map your SF DB into external DB

An easy way to synchronize data between salesforce database and your relational database and keep them synchronized. All the changes will be propagated according to the user configuration.

Easy configuration

Configure your synchronization with simple and convenient UI. Select only required objects and fields.

Select the direction

For each object you could select a sync direction: 1. From SF to external DB. 2. From external DB to SF. 3. Bi-directional sync.

Wide support of relational databases

You can configure your mapping for Postgres DB, Maria DB, MySQL DB.

Monitor the sync in real time

You can easily monitor the sync state per object mapping. In a case of failure a friendly notification will be sent to you with the explanation of what went wrong.

Region Availability

The available application locations for this add-on are shown below, and depend on whether the application is deployed to a Common Runtime region or Private Space. Learn More

  • Common Runtime
  • Private Spaces
Region Available
United States Available
Region Available Installable in Space

Plans & Pricing

    • Pooling interval 5 minutes
    • Org rows limit 10,000
Install Datenator
heroku addons:create perfect-sync-tool:test

To provision, copy the snippet into your CLI or use the install button above.

Datenator Documentation