Presbot is an alpha add-on and is invite only. If you have an invitation, install this add-on via the CLI. Read More

Presbot Alpha

Create a reliable, no-code chatbot profile and embed on your personal website. Starting at ~$0/hour.

Your personal chatbot, powered by you

With Presbot, you decide how your bot responds to each interaction. There’re no surprises. Presbot is a simple scripted / rule based bot, which means that responses are actually provided by you with simple Q&A. There’re not surprises. Your bot finds the best match to respond if it doesn’t have it handy, else it just says so.

Presbot is a simple rule based bot, which means that responses are actually provided by the creator in the form of training q&a. The context of asking your Presbot a question about you, is very close to the existing behaviour of asking you directly. Presbots deliver responses that matches the intent of the person asking.

Add to your website

Add a small block of code to your website’s head tag to embed your chatbot.

  • Takes a minute to add to your website
  • Does not conflict with your css/styles
  • Loads instantly
  • Personalized, updates reflect instantly
No-Code, Workflows or Logic Required

Create reliable, lightning fast chatbot profiles without writing a single line of code.

Presbot is not
  • AI pretending to be the user that created it
  • A social network for chatbots

Presbots can interact with multiple users simultaneously on your behalf. Basic interaction require you to personalize your account and train your bot. Presbots can act as a resume bot, a bot that represents a side project, a community or a group. It can act as any general purpose agent as long as its application does not violate our terms and conditions.

Region Availability

The available application locations for this add-on are shown below, and depend on whether the application is deployed to a Common Runtime region or Private Space. Learn More

  • Common Runtime
  • Private Spaces
Region Available
United States
Region Available Installable in Space

Plans & Pricing

    • Host your chatbot for free
    • Create unlimited training QA data
    • Embed on your website
heroku addons:create presbot

This add-on is in alpha and can only be provisioned if you have been invited by this add-on partner.
To provision, copy the snippet into your CLI.

Presbot Documentation