SigLens Beta

Industry's fastest log management, 1025x faster than ElasticSearch Starting at ~$0/hour.

95% storage savings

Dynamic columnar compression yields > 95% storage savings. Can pack lot of data on small storage.

1025x Faster than ElasticSearch

Lightning fast query response times

Splunk Query Language Support

Supports the rich splunk query language, with query time field extractions, groupby, statistics, regex parsing, and many more.

Query Builder

Point and click query builder, helps you create queries with a few clicks.

Alerting on Logs

Create alert rules on logs, and get notifications on pagerduty, slack, email, etc…

Live Tail

Run a query in live tail mode. Able to see log lines that match your query as new data keeps coming in

Region Availability

The available application locations for this add-on are shown below, and depend on whether the application is deployed to a Common Runtime region or Private Space. Learn More

  • Common Runtime
  • Private Spaces
Region Available
United States Available
Europe Available
Region Available Installable in Space
Dublin Available
Frankfurt Available
London Available
Montreal Available
Mumbai Available
Oregon Available
Singapore Available
Sydney Available
Tokyo Available
Virginia Available

Plans & Pricing

    • 14 Day Free Trial
    • Log Volume Per Day
    • Retention Period
    • Lightening Fast Queries
    • Live Tail
    • Query Time Field Extraction
    • Free Text Search
    • Query Builder
    • Role Based Access Control
    • Community Forum Tech Support
    • SigLens Tech Support
    • Max Users
Install SigLens
heroku addons:create siglens

To provision, copy the snippet into your CLI or use the install button above.

SigLens Documentation