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by blubblub


NestJS Monorepo Heroku Buildpack

You have a single codebase with multiple NestJS apps as defined in:

How do you run each on Heroku? You don't. Heroku applications assume one repo to one application.

Enter the NestJS Monorepo buildpack, which updates package.json in the root of your NestJS project by adding the defined app to the scripts.


  1. Write a single Procfile and enter your command: web: npm run start:prod
  2. Create a bunch of Heroku apps.
  3. For each app set NEST_APP=app name
  4. For each app run heroku buildpacks:add -a <app>
  5. For each app git push<app> main


  • If you already have other buildpacks defined, you'll need to make sure that the heroku-buildpack-nest-monorepo buildpack is defined first. You can do this by adding -i 1 to the heroku buildpacks:add command.
  • The buildpack works only on Linux and it depends on jq being installed (by default already on Heroku-20 stack)
  • It works by updating package.json and appending your NestJS app to commands. Currently it only updates build, start and start:prod commands.
  • If you change the environment variable NEST_APP, you will have to redeploy, as Heroku does not run buildpack in this case.


Dal Rupnik