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This is the Heroku buildpack for ASP.NET Core.
The Buildpack supports C# and F# projects. It searchs through the repository's folders to locate a Startup.*
or Program.*
file. If found, the .csproj
or .fsproj
in the containing folder will be used in the dotnet publish <project>
If repository contains multiple Web Applications (multiple Startup.*
or Program.*
environment variables allow to choose project for publishing.
heroku buildpacks:set jincod/dotnetcore
heroku buildpacks:set
heroku buildpacks:set
heroku buildpacks:set
Available releases
More info
You cannot run migrations with the dotnet ef
commands using .NET Local Tools once the app is built. Alternatives include:
dotnet new tool-manifest
dotnet tool install dotnet-ef
environment variable is set to Production
. ASP.NET Core scaffolding tools may create files that explicitly set it to Development
. Heroku config will override this (heroku config:set ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Production
file:<Target Name="PrePublishTarget" AfterTargets="Publish">
<Exec Command="dotnet ef database update" />
If you are using Heroku Postgres addon, then Heroku provides the database connection string as environment variable DATABASE_URL
. In order to use this in an Npgsql connection string, do something like following:
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
// Replace AppContext with your own DbContext Class
builder.Services.AddDbContext<AppContext>(options =>
if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT") == "Production")
var m = Regex.Match(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DATABASE_URL")!, @"postgres://(.*):(.*)@(.*):(.*)/(.*)");
options.UseNpgsql($"Server={m.Groups[3]};Port={m.Groups[4]};User Id={m.Groups[1]};Password={m.Groups[2]};Database={m.Groups[5]};sslmode=Prefer;Trust Server Certificate=true");
else // In Development Environment
// So, use a local Connection
heroku buildpacks:set jincod/dotnetcore
heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 heroku/nodejs
Using Multiple Buildpacks for an App
heroku config:set HEROKUISH=true
If you have multiple projects in a monorepo and wish to treat them as separate process types:
config var to a solution file that references them.Procfile
that enumerates the desired process types, for example:web: cd $HOME/heroku_output && ./MySolution.Web
worker: cd $HOME/heroku_output && ./MySolution.Worker
If this project help you, you can give me a cup of coffee ☕
Copy the snippet above into CLI.