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Use Terraform in a Heroku app.
The Terraform config must implement a non-local backend, because otherwise state will be lost between runs. The default local backend saves state in the filesystem which ephemeral in Heroku dynos.
▶️ Deploy the terraforming-app which includes Postgres backend, automated initialization, and a minimal example Terraform config.
In a git repo that contains at least a *.tf
Terraform config file, such as
heroku create --buildpack
# Set any variables required by the Terraform config
# Credentials for the Terraform Heroku provider
heroku config:set HEROKU_API_KEY=xxxxx
# Input variables
heroku config:set TF_VAR_example_app_name=yyyyy
git push heroku master
heroku run terraform init
heroku run terraform apply
heroku run terraform output
set the source URL for the terraform binary
file as distributed by Hashicorp
Copy the snippet above into CLI.