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Redis Rate Limiting

by redis-developer


Tutorial: Rate Limiting app in NodeJS

Technical Stack

  • Frontend: Next.js
  • Backend - NodeJS, ExpressJS, Redis

How it works

This app has been build using exoress-rate-limit and rate-limit-redis library which will block connections from a client after surpassing certain amount of requests (default: 10) per time (default: 10 sec)

The application will return after each request the following headers. That will let the user know how many requests they have remaining before the run over the limit.

X-RateLimit-Limit: 10
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 9

On the 10th run server should return an HTTP status code of 429 Too Many Requests

Available commands


Hot to run it locally?


  • Node - v12.19.0
  • NPM - v6.14.8
  • Docker - v19.03.13 (optional)

Local installation

git clone

# copy file and set proper data inside
cp .env.example .env

# install dependencies
npm install

# run docker compose or install redis manually
docker network create global
docker-compose up -d --build

npm run dev

Env variables:

  • PORT - port that server is listening on.
  • REDIS_HOST - host for redis instance. Can be with redis:// or without.
  • REDIS_PORT - port for redis instance.
  • REDIS_PASSWORD - password for redis. Running redis by docker-compose, there's no password. Running by you have to pass this variable.
  • REDIS_ENDPOINT_URI - redis port and host encoded in redis uri take precedence over other environment variables. Can be with redis:// or without.
  • COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME - only for docker-compose to set project name.


To make deploys work, you need to create free account in and get Redis' instance informations - REDIS_ENDPOINT_URI and REDIS_PASSWORD. You must pass them as environmental variables (in .env file or by server config, like Heroku Config Variables).

Google Cloud Run

Run on Google Cloud




Deploy with Vercel