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Memcached Cloud Node.js Sample

by RedisLabs


Memcached Cloud Node.js Sample

A Node.js sample, running on Express framework, demonstrating how Memcached can be used at Heroku.
SET, GET and DELETE a key, and get your bucket's STATS.

The app is currently running at:, and uses Memcached Cloud as a backend.

Deploy to Heroku

Instantly deploy it to Heroku:



The app can be run and tested using the Heroku Docker CLI plugin.

Make sure the plugin is installed:

heroku plugins:install heroku-docker

Configure Docker and Docker Compose:

heroku docker:init

And run the app locally:

docker-compose up web

The app will now be available on the Docker daemon IP on port 8080.

You can also use Docker to release to Heroku:

heroku create
heroku docker:release
heroku open